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Important Information on Senior Fraud and Scams

South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office On Aging

Every day senior citizens in South Carolina fall prey to unscrupulous individuals who seek to defraud and scam the elderly. In order to combat this growing problem, the Lieutenant Governor’s Office on Aging has aggressively targeted those who victimize senior citizens.
Consumer fraud is defined as any deception, pretense, false statement, false promise or misrepresentation made by a seller or advertiser of merchandise. Concealment, suppression, or failure to disclose a material fact may also be considered consumer fraud in certain instances.

Senior Tips For Living Alone

Nora Beane | Yahoo Contributor Network

Senior Tips For Living Alone
Nora Beane | Yahoo Contributor Network
Living alone as a senior citizen can allow you to be independent and self sufficient. For many seniors living alone is preferable to living with an adult child, being placed in a retirement home or even living in an assisted living facility.
But living alone when you are a senior can have its pitfalls and challenges as well. These senior tips for living alone can help to keep you safe while you enjoy the lifestyle you love.

Senior Consumer Complaints: Fraud Against the Elderly

Nathan Carpenter | Complaints List

Each year, thousands and even millions of senior citizens find that they have become victims of various types of fraud. In the best scenarios, they report it and might be recompensed. However, many others may simply feel too humiliated to report the fraud, or they may not know where to turn to for help.
Senior consumer fraud is a very serious issue; it creates fear, difficulty and numerous problems for the elderly. Worst of all, it victimizes them. A recent study found that around thirty percent of complaints about consumer fraud come from senior citizens, along with just over a quarter of identity theft complaints.

The Car Key Conversation

Jane Gross | The New York Times

My mother spared us the "car key conversation," a dreaded milestone of eldercare, by eagerly giving up driving in her early 70s after one accident related to arthritis and a winter of unrelenting snow.
The accident should have been a warning for me and my brother that my mother was no longer safe behind the wheel. She had pulled from the curb, oblivious to a moving car that had the right of way, because turning her head to see what was behind her was too painful.

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